Saturday, August 18, 2012

The trip to NOTL, August 15-17, was Jocelyn's birthday present from us.  Part of that gift included taking her cousin, Alexandra.  We stayed at the Canterbury Inn---a place Chuck and I discovered ten years ago.  It's quaint and cozy---a perfect place for a grandmother with her two granddaughters. 
When we arrived, we went into town and checked out the stores.  Jocelyn had some fun trying on clothes but our shopping didn't go any further.  We, then, headed over to the park. 
"Hey, Grandma, isn't that your hairdresser?" Jocelyn asked pointing over to, yes, my hairdresser from Newmarket.  There with his family for the day, Al's two daughters, ages six and three, now had a couple of playmates.  For the first time, Lily, the three-year-old, learned how to climb up the ladder that led to a slide.  With Jocelyn and Alexandra's coaxing, this little girl couldn't stop smiling once she discovered how easy and how much fun it was.  After umpteen dozen times up and down the slide,  my girls took the little girls over to the swings and more fun was had by all!
In the evening, I made reservations at the (Old) Niagara Golf Course for dinner.  I took the girls to a place,there, where their Great Uncle Bob's photo was hanging.  He is/was a great golfer and won many tournaments.  Three photos of him hung in succession.  Alexandra's comment was "Wow he was so young!"  (Bob is now 80 years of age.)
The following day we saw Ragtime and that certainly was an education for the girls.  The music was wonderful but the story had to be explained beforehand.  They saw another side of life through the story. 
All in all, it was a fantastic holiday together.   Rather than being exhausted from the busyness of those two days, my two granddaughters energized me!  May they continue to keep Grandma's spirit forever young.

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