Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our European Vacation with Graham - August, 2012

We travelled via Austrian Airlines to Vienna---an eight hour flight.  (We booked too late for a more direct route.)  Graham had managed to sleep for five hours during the flight  and Chuck about three---me---don't ask! We had a two-hour layover in Vienna and then, after a 2 1/2 hour drive to our destination, Noordwijk in the province of Zuid Holland, we finally arrived at 4 p.m. on Monday.
 Graham is totally enamoured with all.  He spotted a trampoline, when we arrived, and off he went to burn up all that energy from travelling.  After settling into our cottage, in Landal (a vacation community for families) and eating a light dinner, Chuck and Graham went for a bike ride.  Graham met some young boys around his age.  Although they were Dutch, they spoke very good English and so he was able to meet playmates for our stay here---yeah!  For those reading this who don't know Graham, he has a motor that never stops running---oh---he does sleep like the dead, though.  Whew!


  1. Hi Claudia - glad to hear that you made it safely and all is well. I'm so happy to see you posting already!! I'll be able to keep up with your travels.... See you soon. Grace

  2. Have a wonderful trip, Claudia and Chuck and Graham.
