Friday, January 18, 2013

The Great White Egret

The great white egret heard above
 Fills the air with songs of love
While resting on a rock he waits
 For soon replies his nesting mate.

Extended wings arising high
 No longer viewed up in the sky
And on the branch, the birds express
 The sweet sounds of their happiness.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A day of Golfing and Seeing the Wonders of God's Creatures

This was one fascinating dude.  The most interesting turtle I have ever laid eyes on.  My golf partner and I  were on the golf course when it began walking (in turtle-like agonizingly slow fashion) across the golf path.  The good news was he seemed to be used to the likes of the  "paparazzi"  and gave me several angles from which to shoot photos of him.  Hadn't a clue what type of turtle he was but good old Google had the answer
"Apalone species of the North American Soft-Shell Turtle.  Soft-shell turtles are believed to breathe anally and pharyngeally as well as "normally".  This means that there is direct oxygen transfer through the turtle's throat and anus."  Who could have guessed?

Friday, January 4, 2013

The "Gramma" Queen

I will miss everyone as they leave tomorrow.  With Chuck still being in Toronto for another day, I will be by myself for the first time in twelve days.  There you have it---The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Most memorable for me has been the fun I've had with three of my six grandchildren.  Sometimes, it's been quite the challenge to find a spot where I could slip away for a quiet moment; our house being a small bungalow. 
Thinking about it, compels to write the following poem because sometimes, I can't help but laugh over some of the circumstances.
Grandma's Dilemma
They find me in the kitchen,
They find me at the pool:
They find me in the laundry-room,
Perched upon my stool.
They find me in the bathroom,
They find me nearly bare;
They find me doing push-ups,
They find me everywhere!
As I close my bedroom door
And lay upon the rug,
My sit-ups I must put on  hold;
They've come in for a hug.
They find me sometimes sleepy,
They find me in my bed;
They find me often on the phone,
"Grandma, we need to be fed!"
When I am in my office,
I make sure the door is closed;
Then, I hear a voice outside,
"Please help me find the hose."
"I want to squirt my sister'
She's being such a pest."
"Ah, Graham not now, honey,"
I've come in here to rest."
They find me 'cause they love me,
They find me 'cause they know;
I'm Grandma with the open arms,
Because I love THEM so!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Blend of Family Activities

                                                                                                                   Grandchildren are God's compensation for grey hair and wrinkles. (anonymous)   
 Bringing in the new year with enthusiasm!

 Jocelyn and Grandpa together as we played golf.  Jocelyn was fair in that she shared a cart, first with her Mom and then with her Grandpa.

 An evening of fun with Taryn, Jocelyn and Graham.  Hanging out without Mom and Dad.
So well-behaved were they, we may do this more often.