Sunday, April 19, 2015


Sir Oscar is waiting for us to come home
While watching and listening not far does he roam

He perks up and waits as he hears the knob turning
No longer alone and no longer  yearning.

Sir Oscar, he waits to be offered a treat
When nothing's forthcoming, he gives in to defeat
 Back up on the sofa, Sir Oscar does leap
Now that we're home, he is able to sleep.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I can't believe I did it!

On April 2, 2015, I had quite a surprise when I walked toward the 8th green here at Copperleaf. I couldn't find my ball which my three golf buddies saw landing on the green. I searched behind the green, beside the green,  in front of the green and then someone said 'Did you look in the hole' Why would I do that I wondered. With nowhere else to look, I did just that...and there it was!!! I wanted to share this good news with you. And although it was not any skill of mine that got it there, I was thrilled to have hit a 143 yard drive that landed the ball into the hole! My friend, Sylvia Bacon, surprised me by giving me this plaque as a gift. She had been riding in the cart with me that day. Whoppie!